Friday, November 09, 2012

Congrats Obama!

I would like to extend my congratulation to the re-elected President of the United States of America. President Obama.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4 days before br3ak

Four more days to go and we will have our semester break. Where to go?  What to do? How to do it? Are just a few thing I had in mind but for now I will just stick into counting.

Can't wait...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Shooting Saturday

Every Saturday, we had a routine of playing basketball every noon. I thought that this day would the usual day, we I just entitled to run pass and defense. But today was different it seems that my role had changed. I might oversee it but it seems that I am getting more hoops, fast break and shoots.

I wonder why, but anyway I wish my Saturday would be a shooting Saturday

Friday, October 19, 2012

Yes its Friday

Last day and tomorrow will be over, Friday seems to be a fly day. A day where everyone is so excited for tomorrow is weekend and it means happiness and fun. I can't say much but my emotion are bursting.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Holy Thursday!

Holy means something that we need to be follow and obey and by just this morning I head a news about our very own blessed Pedro Calungsod. A Cebuano martyr who spread Christianity in far places. It says that that he will be beatified for sainthood. Hearing from it makes me feel that road to sainthood is really true and possible. I hope that this will be a success.

Congratulations to all  Christians.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wicked Wednesday

I miss this radio show, played on the airwaves of Cebu and streamed online by y101 FM. Hosted by DJ Marko, this show played that newest and the hottest rock on earth.

 Because of this show I got the latest and newest song available in the rock industry. But now that I don't have time for radio, I surely miss this one.

A better tuesday

Rarely I would describe the day that I had, but for today I surely will. I will describe it as a better Tuesday; Why? well aside from the thing that I got a hang over it and just prepare for work. It seems that I had a nice sleep and good night rest.
So for those who are stress and can't work properly for their daily job.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday kick!

Before I used to wonder why some hates Monday that much and to this day I just realize it. Coming from a two day break where you eat sleep and lay down you can cannot afford to go back to work. Not yet until all supplies last and I mean that you will only work if your money is gone, no food in the ref and no more liquids to drink.

To those who hates Monday, now I know!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday thrill

On my way to sleep, lying in my bed when I saw this ads about a movie. It was quite fascinating that today Philippines movies are leveled with the newest technology in terms of film making. The movie was shoot inside solely in the studio room where everything except the actors and actresses are digital.

Fascinating isn't it?

Saturday the 13th

It seems that after a hang over for the last night rockin' and rollin' November comes so near. The spooky days are coming and we only had a few days to prepare.

So where would be the next party be held?

Advance Happy Halloween everyone.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

T5 Countdown: 4 days to go

I would be counting down this T5 Rock Fest for I am attending this one. I got this, I am already, I already had my pass thanks for my friend Jhong. I admit that this is October and you know what it means but for now I might go on the other way.

T5 Rock Fest will be on October 12, 2012 at SRP Ground Cebu City. All line ups are great and legends and I can't afford to miss this one. The reason why I will be attending this rock on event.

4 days to roll!

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Laugh sunday, laugh

I wish all the day would be a Sunday, why? I just have a blast of laughter together with my bro's. Lovely? Uhm! I don't think it that way. No matter what it is or how you call it was a day full of laughter and fun.

Even despite the laborious work we had, it was all wipe out and Sunday became a statement of laughter. I can always imagine how we had tears in our eyes just because of laughing. It was the bomb that wipe out our worries and stresses in life.

So for those who can't find a time for their families, please do find one; laugh with them and share a day with no worries and all just laughter and fun. For you'll never know when would be another Sunday to laugh with them.

Love you bro!

Last stretch (:

This would be my last stretch to talk about the "Cyber Crime Law". There are so many things to be discussed , yet I will only limit my self to those view point I'm comfortable with. So let's stretch;

1. This law sucks, why? well it just that in a simple like, shout, post, comment or tweet you can be sued; (does it sound cool? I don't think so)

2. If only this law is so great, why bother of shouting and screaming outside in court establishment or doing an "ANTI" campaign online. What do you think? You judge?

3. Do we know this law? I haven't heard of it here in our country. Maybe I heard it somewhere or maybe I just read it on a book. Then, it became a "LAW" well in fact their is no consensus with people, with the people.

I think I will just here on this 3 point agenda. I don't want to nag or I might be sued. How scary!

What can you say? Let me hear it!

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Would it be a waste?

Would it be a waste? A question I need to ask to anyone who would to answer me. I am talking about the word of mouth "Cyber Crime Law". In addition to my previous post, I made it clear and the point I am referring are the only thing I am holding on right wither I am "PRO" or "ANTI" the "Cyber Crime Law".

Still the question that would hang last in my head is, would it be a waste. I mean if you look on the brighter side of law, it sound so good and great but the impact? well I don't know.

And still it would result to a question I raised earlier;


Please think it over...

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Cyber Crime Poem

Check out my acrostic poem about cyber crime act.
Be more serious and stop getting
Errors; Get
Rid of this 


Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Viewpoint: Cyber Crime Act

What I say to the Cyber Crime Act? Well it’s not that important, would I change the way other people would think? I don’t think so. But for now I shall stand in the middle. I’ve tried to search online what are the provisions that are into it but I find none. It’s just that the law is not that particular on its scope and limitations, you cannot tell if you’re in the law or going against the opposite direction.

I only had a few point to consider why right now I’m in the middle.

-    The law comes to me in general  or it’s so broad
-    The provision are not that specific and clear
-    What are the boundaries of the law
-    Does it come from public consensus

These are just the few things that I have in mind for now, well is just the first that I knew about the law.
Please! This is freedom of expression! Do not put me behind bars.


Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Extra Hot Noodles w/ Chicharon

Noodles are best served when hot and with toppings. No doubt that noodles station out their offers not only a good tasty broth but also tons of different types of toppings. Some to mention are pork toppings, sliced beef, prawns, shrimp and so much more.

But having this can be considered luxury, having those toppings and the good noodles we may considered it an expensive. Today, here in Cebu a bowl of noodles with pork toppings would cost 100 + plus the drinks and some side dish that would cost as much Php 500.

Having this much for a single meal is not a typical expense of a common Cebuano. So I tried to check what could be the best noodles that is good in taste and yet affordable. I tried to search around the metro just to find out where that could be.

And I just found one, it’s not a place you can imagine and the toppings I made it myself. I ordered an extra hot noodle for Php10.00 and after a while I ordered a chicharon for Php10.00 and top it on top on my soup and it was great.

So when I went home I tried to make my extra hot noodles w/ chicharon. Here are the ingredients and the steps:

1 pack extra hot noodles
1 pack chicharon
1 chili
1 lemon
soy sauce

1.    Place 1 pack of extra hot noodles on a pot and place 1 ½ cup of water.
2.    Let boil until the noodles is cooked.
3.    Place the noodles in a medium bowl.
4.    Mix in the ingredients, pound the chili and include it on the mixture.
5.    Drop 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, squeeze 1 lemon and mix the crashed chicharon.
6.    Cover the bowl. Let it rest for 2-5 minutes and you’re ready to dig in.

This food trip is best paired with iced tea or lemonade.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Love like Woe: Reviewed

It's been hitting my speaker for almost a week already. You want to know what? You need to love like woe first before you can guess it. The artist just had this song a rhythm that you can really move while enjoying the sound. I like the song because it gives out an idea that we normally encounter yet where doing nothing about it. And this notion that the song are referring to is really happening in the real word. Love like woe is something that most women do to men that entails that they are manipulating men by using false love.

The line that say “cause bringing me in and then kicking me out again” how insane. For a woman who was love by man and giving her everything what he got just say those lines as easy as it is? For a man that begs for a woman just to say his mine is something that really hits me.

If I were to experience that, I would rather live alone than to have that kind of woman beside me. Using me and then set aside when it's done, that's a big no way for me as a man. Man alone has feelings that they need to meet and satisfied, even though a little yet that little thing count and need to be respected.

So for men and women who love like woe, better the not to practice it a little longer before the love is gone. Remember love that was lost is really hard to get back. So keep on loving everyone.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Colored Footstep

Life is like a roller coaster
We zoom in from everywhere
We took a step to any direction
Seeking  the great perfection

We stumble and move on
We cry but never alone
We rejoice from happiness
Attaining a little success

In every footsteps we took
We continue even we're broke
Sometimes we pause for a break
Looking from the colored footstep

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Vanilla Twilight: Reviewed

What I listen? Well today I just had this one, check it out.

Fascinated by the “Fireflies” sung by the Owl City, I was hoping to capture another one. Browsing the net I am trying to catch the said fireflies and hoping that there will be a new flying thing flying around. But guess what, I was amazed to hear such words that are really sweet yet do not over kill with extended emotion. The track that I was referring to is another song of the Owl City entitled “Vanilla Twilight”. From the title alone, you'll not doubt that this track could fly. The song has a sound that seems to have really nice words that blends with the nice intro. And on the later part it jumps to a tempo where in you really feels the push of an emotion of the song. Well, you can expect more if you had heard the previous one. Another good thing about the song is the message that it brought to its listener; wishing someone to be here is really something. The song dictates to shout but intend not to overdo it just enough for its listener to feel the message accompanied by a nice transcending melody. Good job guys!

This is another great work by the “Owls” and let’s checks their songs for their upcoming albums.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Ice Tea with “Calamansi” Twist

There are new kinds of drinks and beverages on the planet. No question that some are creating something to compete with global trend. That's the reason why one of the restaurant here Cebu put a little twist on their beverages menu.

Grand Majestic restaurant here in Cebu are doing a little citric on their drinks and mean it adding some citrus juice into some of their drinks. Last time I can check the place they offer me an ice tea with calamansi twist.  I thought it was just part of the presentation but when I taste it the calamansi juice was into it. Then I began to feel the taste zip and after zip until I ordered a new set.

Aside from quenching your thirst, ice tea with calamansi twist is good source of vitamin C that helps our immune system protect our body from any sickness. At the same time ice tea is good also for digestion and gives off nutrients to our body.

If you want to have a new twist with your regular drinks, try putting some citrus into it.

"My" Chili Chicken Balls

Chili chicken balls are good but I made my own twist of the ingredients and the way how to prepare it. You must try this one, easy affordable and so delicious.
Try it.

This recipe is not new to anyone; chicken balls are always as good as it is. But what's the good thing about this recipe is that all ingredients are custom made that suites everyone’s taste.

Take a look.


chicken breast (grounded)
onion (chopped )
spring onion (chopped )
singkamas (chopped )
egg (beaten)
chili (fine chopped )
rock salt
magic sarap


1.    Combine all ingredients. Mix all together the grounded chicken breast, chopped onion, spring onion, “singkamas” and chili. Put as well the cornstarch and the beaten egg.
2.    Mix thoroughly and put a ½ tbsp. rock salt and magic “sarap”.
3.    Form balls using a spoon and roll it in both hands.
4.    Deep fry the balls until golden brown
5.    Plate the chili chicken ball and serve it with a sauce from the mixture of soy sauce and vinegar.

This chili chicken ball is rich in iodine that helps prevents goiter.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tips in Online searching

Over a million of users are lurking the web every day. Video sharing, discussion, blogging are some of the activities that these users are doing online. Some are into online hopping, a term used for someone who log in to the internet world and continue to hop from one page to the other. Moving in and out a website of interest or merely a website by chance; but among the activities that enables users to stay online, one activity for me holds the number one spot.
I am talking about online searching, using some of the most world known search engine online people can't stop searching something over the internet. From the most common searches of everyday life down to the unknown, people can't stop online searching. According to statistics over a million searches are being made every hour in all sorts of keywords and subjects. No doubt that these online search engines are getting much online presence among all the others. But the question here is how we do online searches. Here are some tips that might help you do online searches.

Tip #1. Use One Word – in searching online it is advisable to search using a single definite word rather than a phrase of a sentence.

Tip #2. Use search engine Operator – these are operators that search engine use to make the searches more faster and easier.

Tip #3.  Use of space – the use of space in searching a subject helps getting a result based on the word in any order. Example: music piano

Tip #4. Use of plus (+) symbol – using this symbol makes it easier for the search engine to locate the word or words that pertain to the searches. Most likely the results contain the exact word that you use in searching.

Tip#5. Use of “or” - it allows searchers to have more information regarding different words but are close with each other. One example I can have is art and painting, when you search for this one these are two different word but it want to have a similar result you use the “or”. So in searching you are going to use art or painting to have more result and information.

Tip #6. Use “” - this kind of technique in searching is use only when you are searching an information that uses a phrase. Most likely if you are looking for saying or popular phrase you can use the “” for the searches. Example would be “I shall return”.

There you go folks, hope that this tips help you in one way or another. So, the next time you do some searching, you better apply this one.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

5 Tips How to Boost Family's Health

Being healthy is one of the good practices we should follow. But being healthy together with our family should be the best practice we can do. Getting healthy together with you family is really something we need to look into.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tumalog Falls

From South bus terminal it took us about 3 hours or more to reach the road side entrance to one of Oslob’s Pride the Tumalog Falls. From that point, you can walk for 2.5 kilometer or you can just simply ride a motor cycle known as”habal-habal”.

With an amount of 30 pesos per head you can reach the entrance of the falls.

From there, you are going to pay
•    20 pesos for the adult; and
•    10 pesos for the children.

Then you walk down hill to reach the falls.

The magnificent beauty of the Tumalog Falls was really amazing. Looking her at this view gives me a chill and a thrill how nature weld this wonder.

 I never missed the chance to take a pose where the falls is my curtain. It's so amazing!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

back to city

Today we head back to the city after a day vacation of no phones, no computer, no ipod, no gadgets nothing at all.

Test Scheduler

To day we head to Tumalog Falls in Oslob... so I'll be out for a while and let the scheduler do the rest.
Hope it will work.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cloudy thoughts...

What could be the best thing to do this Friday?

  • Drink some booze
  • Go to bed early
  • Party all night 'till dawn
You choose for me? 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Call You Mine


I had this feeling inside
I keep it and need to hide
Afraid to say these words
Losing you I can't afford

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Can't Forget You

I lay down with in my bed
Thinking something in my head
I thought of you from there
Thinking the moment we share

The distance that separate us
Like it never did and never was
Feel like you are near to me
Feel like were together happy

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My love Part I.

We started out with a simple smile
Second thought that took awhile
In a bench where you usually sit
A bench where love perfectly fit

I cannot remember the word
But I remember how it would
I cannot remember your replies
But I remember when my soul flies

Words for You

I began to whisper
Whisper in your ear
Words you need to hear
Words so sweet and clear

Monday, September 17, 2012

In Love with my Friend

I sigh with full of loneliness
Searching for a long happiness
But seems the world is cruel
Making it really hard to deal

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The start

I used to be in "blogspot" for almost 2 years. Taking back a look on the time that I first had that blog I started in blogspot. It was all fun and so great. Every article are amazing, filled with love and passion to share an idea that came from a mind of someone who had nothing in mind but to write and share new things.