Saturday, September 29, 2012

Vanilla Twilight: Reviewed

What I listen? Well today I just had this one, check it out.

Fascinated by the “Fireflies” sung by the Owl City, I was hoping to capture another one. Browsing the net I am trying to catch the said fireflies and hoping that there will be a new flying thing flying around. But guess what, I was amazed to hear such words that are really sweet yet do not over kill with extended emotion. The track that I was referring to is another song of the Owl City entitled “Vanilla Twilight”. From the title alone, you'll not doubt that this track could fly. The song has a sound that seems to have really nice words that blends with the nice intro. And on the later part it jumps to a tempo where in you really feels the push of an emotion of the song. Well, you can expect more if you had heard the previous one. Another good thing about the song is the message that it brought to its listener; wishing someone to be here is really something. The song dictates to shout but intend not to overdo it just enough for its listener to feel the message accompanied by a nice transcending melody. Good job guys!

This is another great work by the “Owls” and let’s checks their songs for their upcoming albums.

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