Sunday, September 16, 2012

The start

I used to be in "blogspot" for almost 2 years. Taking back a look on the time that I first had that blog I started in blogspot. It was all fun and so great. Every article are amazing, filled with love and passion to share an idea that came from a mind of someone who had nothing in mind but to write and share new things.
But things turn to be over rated and time moves in an instant that a friend offers me to move my blogspot blog to my own personal website. I was kind of excited yet thinking twice what well happen to those people whom I made friends because of the blog. But because of possibilities I gamble to migrate my blogspot blog to my own personal website.
I thought that I could never be back in blogspot, but then I decided to stay, I made a doubt wither I can go back or not but I think need to. There is this thing that I couldn't stop, I think it is in me. A blood, my blood that is stained with ink puts me back to a pledge to write and share ideas about things that I know.

The reason I made this blog in blogspot is to share my work and my piece about things that I know.

Let's play...

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