Friday, September 28, 2012

Ice Tea with “Calamansi” Twist

There are new kinds of drinks and beverages on the planet. No question that some are creating something to compete with global trend. That's the reason why one of the restaurant here Cebu put a little twist on their beverages menu.

Grand Majestic restaurant here in Cebu are doing a little citric on their drinks and mean it adding some citrus juice into some of their drinks. Last time I can check the place they offer me an ice tea with calamansi twist.  I thought it was just part of the presentation but when I taste it the calamansi juice was into it. Then I began to feel the taste zip and after zip until I ordered a new set.

Aside from quenching your thirst, ice tea with calamansi twist is good source of vitamin C that helps our immune system protect our body from any sickness. At the same time ice tea is good also for digestion and gives off nutrients to our body.

If you want to have a new twist with your regular drinks, try putting some citrus into it.

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