Monday, October 01, 2012

Love like Woe: Reviewed

It's been hitting my speaker for almost a week already. You want to know what? You need to love like woe first before you can guess it. The artist just had this song a rhythm that you can really move while enjoying the sound. I like the song because it gives out an idea that we normally encounter yet where doing nothing about it. And this notion that the song are referring to is really happening in the real word. Love like woe is something that most women do to men that entails that they are manipulating men by using false love.

The line that say “cause bringing me in and then kicking me out again” how insane. For a woman who was love by man and giving her everything what he got just say those lines as easy as it is? For a man that begs for a woman just to say his mine is something that really hits me.

If I were to experience that, I would rather live alone than to have that kind of woman beside me. Using me and then set aside when it's done, that's a big no way for me as a man. Man alone has feelings that they need to meet and satisfied, even though a little yet that little thing count and need to be respected.

So for men and women who love like woe, better the not to practice it a little longer before the love is gone. Remember love that was lost is really hard to get back. So keep on loving everyone.

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