Monday, January 28, 2013

My First Pepper Rice

Been to Manila for the first and wasn't feeling well “at all”. I never thought that something might change the mode and change my mood. I was here for a competition and nothing at all, but everything turns the other way around. When we hit the road going to Makati I never thought that something sumptuous will happen and I mean it literally.

My first time “Beef Pepper Rice”; I cannot describe the feelings I had but I feel like in a moment I want to stay a while and eat it for the second time. Eating it while it’s hot and eating it while its sizzling ads up the excitement. 

The Place: I’m not pretty sure of the exact name of place because where just keep on walking and walking. The definite information I know is that its somewhere in Makati. Anyways let’s talk about the place where I ate the pepper rice. First impression was nice, it’s full of life and full of people even if we had to take the line it’s all worth it. Not to mention, they already had loyal patrons for their pepper rice.

The Menu: You can choose from a variety of beef, chicken, pork, fish, fruit and veggies. You can also have some beverages all packed with different flavors. Mentioning all these things make it a little bit difficult where to start. But no worries, you can always come back for the second time and come back for more.
The Price: I mean it with the budget I had, I can tell that the price is a little much. But to think that you pay much with a good food then it’s worth it. Like most of us say “you need to give much in order to get the best”.

 The Food: The beef pepper rice was something to brag about. A huge size meal is something that adds the fun plus the aroma that is always inviting you cannot resist digging in. Taking all of that makes you to “Burp!!!” and ask for more. 

The Experience: Even though you need to fall in line and choose among the flavorful menu. You are always willing to take it because you know that once you had your order you can never say the entire thing again and can’t wait to grab another order. 

Definitely if something like this comes in handy in my place, I will surely recommend it. Burp!!!

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