Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Love in Rage

I thought the sound of your voice
Corrupting my only choice
To stay or leave at your side
To come out or continue to hide

I beg for forgiveness to what I've done
This pain and agony had began
The cruelty of this heart I bear
Let me cries a river of tear

Shoot me a flaming arrow
End this never ending sorrow
Split my heart with a culling knife
Consume my heart, drain my life

Dry up the blood in my vain
Chain my heart and lock in vain 
Forget my past and leave the page
Or forever you'll suffer my love in rage

Monday, January 28, 2013

Me and my Pen

I pose for a second thought
Thinking of what I sought
The things I want to think
Pulls me down, keep me sink

Over sees what is cruelty
Keeping sane over insanity
The lines that divides between us
The same lines that will break us

This pen of mine is all I have
This is the only thing I can grab
When I’m down and feeling lonely
This pen listens to what I say

I never thought you’ll be gone
Giving this heart of mine a 21 gun
But I will not die and I will not sink
As long as this pen has a lot of ink

My First Pepper Rice

Been to Manila for the first and wasn't feeling well “at all”. I never thought that something might change the mode and change my mood. I was here for a competition and nothing at all, but everything turns the other way around. When we hit the road going to Makati I never thought that something sumptuous will happen and I mean it literally.

My first time “Beef Pepper Rice”; I cannot describe the feelings I had but I feel like in a moment I want to stay a while and eat it for the second time. Eating it while it’s hot and eating it while its sizzling ads up the excitement. 

The Place: I’m not pretty sure of the exact name of place because where just keep on walking and walking. The definite information I know is that its somewhere in Makati. Anyways let’s talk about the place where I ate the pepper rice. First impression was nice, it’s full of life and full of people even if we had to take the line it’s all worth it. Not to mention, they already had loyal patrons for their pepper rice.

The Menu: You can choose from a variety of beef, chicken, pork, fish, fruit and veggies. You can also have some beverages all packed with different flavors. Mentioning all these things make it a little bit difficult where to start. But no worries, you can always come back for the second time and come back for more.
The Price: I mean it with the budget I had, I can tell that the price is a little much. But to think that you pay much with a good food then it’s worth it. Like most of us say “you need to give much in order to get the best”.

 The Food: The beef pepper rice was something to brag about. A huge size meal is something that adds the fun plus the aroma that is always inviting you cannot resist digging in. Taking all of that makes you to “Burp!!!” and ask for more. 

The Experience: Even though you need to fall in line and choose among the flavorful menu. You are always willing to take it because you know that once you had your order you can never say the entire thing again and can’t wait to grab another order. 

Definitely if something like this comes in handy in my place, I will surely recommend it. Burp!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Leave My Shadow

Here I go again with my pen
Wishing something will happen
Writing this nonsense note
Love to love I always quote

What is this feeling I felt
A feeling like I melt
All the things went crazy
Because of the love you gave me

I can't say sorry to you
For I still love you so
But if you need to let go
Then its time to leave my shadow

Saturday, January 26, 2013

In my head

The sweet sense that I embrace
Is a scent I long caress
Your eyes that see through me
The same eyes that capture me

Your scent is all over
Everywhere from up and under
That every time I go to my lair
I thought of the memories we share

Your hair that is everywhere
Every strands is like a flare
Signals me when you're near
Giving me love and care

Its you in my pillow
Its you in my shadow
You all over my bed
You all over in my head

Monday, January 14, 2013

Because of You

The things I used to be
Are now gone and free
I was changed in a blue
That is because of you

The character I used to wear
Is now gone and tear
For you dress me up
Pulling my self up

Before there was only me
But now there are we
For the hate and agony
Now there was love and sympathy

My old self was gone
For I moved on and beyond
Moving on not one but two
And that is because of you

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Last Shot for the Night

It's early in the midnight
Waiting to take a flight
To the dream land I wish
A dreamland I always cherish

A dreamworld where there is you
A dreamworld that is true
Where your presence is unending
A presence that is mending

I wish this would never end
A fantasy between you and me
Together let us pretend
And shout out with glee

Together lets take off
To this never ending world
A flight that would take us off
To this lovely secret world

Wishing this night never ends
Making something out of sense
This light I need to fight
This last shot for the night

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Whiskey and Lime

When I look in your eyes
I show off my disguise
With this great affection
It causes mutual attraction

Its you who consume me
You who set me free
With you all over me
It just you I only see

How could I let you go
When its you I know
Its you all I can sense
Give life to my presence

I cannot shake you off
For you are in my skin
Together we take off
To this endless dream

Wish you could be mine
Wish I could be yours
Where like whiskey and lime
Perfect in the future

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

You in my Name

If love could bend me
I would kneel and beg
Start to ask and pray
For this love so vague

The ill-fated love of  mine
Is really hard to find
Because of love I suffer
And this suffering is only I can offer

I love in order to hate
Destined of this fate
Bestowed by this hatred
Of a love that is degraded

Please love me as I ask
I rather die or love in vain
Just to have you in my name