Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Stay Safe My Love

Staring blankly in random faces
Where I look only for one
Thinking of sweet hugs and kisses
Memorizing all the fun

From all corner nowhere to run
The picture of you have to be gone
From each ups and each down
It brings me nothing but a face so frown

Thinking of you while I do some scrolling
Can't stop me from thinking
Hope you're safe and thinking of me
For now I feel the this great misery

I just wish to be there in an instant
I just hope to be there in a second
Or maybe send you a dove
Carrying a message "stay safe my love"

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Madness and Misses

I took the courage to woke up
Sober with pain and misery
Wish I could be stuck and don't give up
On the day before this misery

I woke up with this eagerness
Carry a smile in this poker face
Even if I miss you like crazy
I just keep my self so busy

But the memory of yesterday never stop
It keeps coming and going pop
The picture of you, your very smile
Freezes me and stop my world for a while

This sickness of  missing you
Made me sad, made me blue
I'm trap with this madness
This happen when I feel too much misses

Friday, November 14, 2014

Just Get Here

The scribbles in my mind made me think
Waiting for you made me sink
Will someone knock on my door
For I can't wait forevermore

Each seconds that pass
Is a memory of the past
The time that I spend waited
Is the fuel that made me hated

Wish you were like an instant
So that I will no longer hunt
Your beauty that is so appealing
Your sweetness that is so captivating

Please be here, be here my love
By trail through hail or by dove
Just get here and be here 'till beyond
Just get here if you can